Movie Marketers Starting To Harness The Web
by Newswire Report
Hitwise, the online competitive intelligence service providing daily insights, reports that websites promoting this summer’s movies are succeeding in drawing large numbers of visitors and in routing many of them to various other sites where they can view the trailer, play the game, buy tickets, or buy the soundtrack, DVD and other merchandise.
As the marketing efforts for summer movies heated up, traffic to the Hitwise Entertainment - Movie category also rose, increasing 18% between early May and July 5th. The individual movie site that captured the highest share of visits during the week of the film’s release was The Matrix Reloaded (whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com), followed by Pirates of the Caribbean (pirates.movies.go.com) and Terminator 3 (www.terminator3.com).
Lara Croft, Tomb Raider (www.tombraiderthemovie.com) led all movie sites in sending traffic directly to ticket-buying sites during the week of the film’s release. After visiting the Tomb Raider website, 12.7% of traffic visited the leading movie ticketing sites. Terminator 3 and Legally Blonde 2 (www.legallyblonde2.com) were the next best with 5% and 4.5%, respectively. Moviefone (www.moviefone.com) has been the most popular ticket-buying site with U.S. internet users all spring and summer, with Fandango (www.fandango.com) and Movietickets (www.movietickets.com) rounding out the top 3.
Viewing the trailer online has become an extremely popular activity of movie site visitors, with Apple Trailers (www.apple.com/trailers) by far their favorite site for doing so. Visitors to 28 Days Later (www.28dayslater.com) illustrated this most strikingly – after visiting www.28dayslater.com, a full 68% of visits viewed the film trailer through Apple Trailers.
“Downstream” analysis of The Hulk (www.thehulk.com) reveals a particularly effective merchandising program. During the week of the film’s release, 22.4% of Hulk visitors clicked directly to Hulk Games (www.hulkgames.com), 6.5% to Universal Studios Theme Park (themeparks.universalstudios.com) to learn about the new Hulk Ride, and 5.1% to the Incredible Hulk Television Series DVD site (www.incrediblehulkdvd.com).
“Movie marketers are clearly starting to get the hang of the Internet,” said Chris Maher, General Manager of Hitwise, North America. “They’re harnessing fan passion to both drive sales and build brand.”
Hitwise, the online competitive intelligence service providing daily insights, reports that websites promoting this summer’s movies are succeeding in drawing large numbers of visitors and in routing many of them to various other sites where they can view the trailer, play the game, buy tickets, or buy the soundtrack, DVD and other merchandise.
As the marketing efforts for summer movies heated up, traffic to the Hitwise Entertainment - Movie category also rose, increasing 18% between early May and July 5th. The individual movie site that captured the highest share of visits during the week of the film’s release was The Matrix Reloaded (whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com), followed by Pirates of the Caribbean (pirates.movies.go.com) and Terminator 3 (www.terminator3.com).
Lara Croft, Tomb Raider (www.tombraiderthemovie.com) led all movie sites in sending traffic directly to ticket-buying sites during the week of the film’s release. After visiting the Tomb Raider website, 12.7% of traffic visited the leading movie ticketing sites. Terminator 3 and Legally Blonde 2 (www.legallyblonde2.com) were the next best with 5% and 4.5%, respectively. Moviefone (www.moviefone.com) has been the most popular ticket-buying site with U.S. internet users all spring and summer, with Fandango (www.fandango.com) and Movietickets (www.movietickets.com) rounding out the top 3.
Viewing the trailer online has become an extremely popular activity of movie site visitors, with Apple Trailers (www.apple.com/trailers) by far their favorite site for doing so. Visitors to 28 Days Later (www.28dayslater.com) illustrated this most strikingly – after visiting www.28dayslater.com, a full 68% of visits viewed the film trailer through Apple Trailers.
“Downstream” analysis of The Hulk (www.thehulk.com) reveals a particularly effective merchandising program. During the week of the film’s release, 22.4% of Hulk visitors clicked directly to Hulk Games (www.hulkgames.com), 6.5% to Universal Studios Theme Park (themeparks.universalstudios.com) to learn about the new Hulk Ride, and 5.1% to the Incredible Hulk Television Series DVD site (www.incrediblehulkdvd.com).
“Movie marketers are clearly starting to get the hang of the Internet,” said Chris Maher, General Manager of Hitwise, North America. “They’re harnessing fan passion to both drive sales and build brand.”
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