Online Advertising Dramatically Boosts Power of Traditional Media
Study shows Substantial Gains in Audience Reach, Branding Effectiveness and Purchase Intent
Online advertising generates a dramatic boost for big-brand advertising campaigns according to innovative new Pan-European research released today by the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA). This unique study, the first to be conducted across four media simultaneously in three different countries, tracked 15 major brand campaigns in the UK, France and Germany, was conducted by the independent research firm NFO Infratest. The study demonstrated that:
Online advertising substantially increased the overall reach of a multimedia (TV, radio, print) campaign
§ The aggregate reach of 41% delivered by TV campaigns rose to 63% with the inclusion of people exposed only to online advertising
Online advertising substantially increased the effectiveness of TV, print and radio advertising
§ Aggregate results across all 15 campaigns showed that ad recall increased by 27% after exposure to the TV campaigns, however using TV and online together almost doubled the increase to 45%
§ Using online plus another media substantially increased positive perceptions of the brands such as “trendy”, “innovative” and “unique” thereby helping to extend brand image
§ Online advertising was found to work very effectively with Radio and Print. In particular, more targeted campaigns benefited substantially from the use of Internet together with Radio/Print in the media mix. For example, in the case of a youth orientated campaign Online and Radio demonstrated that they best worked together to reach this target and in fact this combination [1] resulted in the highest increase in purchase/usage intent than any other combination of media.
Using online and another media also helped to improve recollection of details of the advertisements and purchase intent
§ Recall of ad details increased by 14% amongst people exposed to TV ads only, recall amongst those exposed to TV and online ads increased 44%
§ Intent to buy the product or become a client increased by 2% amongst people who saw TV ads only, yet increased a massive 12% amongst those exposed to TV and online ads
The study was commissioned by the EIAA to quantify the dynamics of how online, TV, radio and print advertising interact in order to help marketers plan more effective cross-media campaigns.
Michael Kleindl, EIAA Chairman and CEO of AdLINK Internet Media AG, commented "The data shows that by adding the online medium to their media mix major brands can strongly improve results in terms of reach and effectiveness. We believe that this great step forward in our understanding of the value of online advertising will contribute to an increased share of overall advertising spend."
Jupiter Media Metrix forecasts the European Online Advertising market to be worth €1,186m in 2002 rising to €3,595m in 2007. [2]
Online advertising generates a dramatic boost for big-brand advertising campaigns according to innovative new Pan-European research released today by the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA). This unique study, the first to be conducted across four media simultaneously in three different countries, tracked 15 major brand campaigns in the UK, France and Germany, was conducted by the independent research firm NFO Infratest. The study demonstrated that:
Online advertising substantially increased the overall reach of a multimedia (TV, radio, print) campaign
§ The aggregate reach of 41% delivered by TV campaigns rose to 63% with the inclusion of people exposed only to online advertising
Online advertising substantially increased the effectiveness of TV, print and radio advertising
§ Aggregate results across all 15 campaigns showed that ad recall increased by 27% after exposure to the TV campaigns, however using TV and online together almost doubled the increase to 45%
§ Using online plus another media substantially increased positive perceptions of the brands such as “trendy”, “innovative” and “unique” thereby helping to extend brand image
§ Online advertising was found to work very effectively with Radio and Print. In particular, more targeted campaigns benefited substantially from the use of Internet together with Radio/Print in the media mix. For example, in the case of a youth orientated campaign Online and Radio demonstrated that they best worked together to reach this target and in fact this combination [1] resulted in the highest increase in purchase/usage intent than any other combination of media.
Using online and another media also helped to improve recollection of details of the advertisements and purchase intent
§ Recall of ad details increased by 14% amongst people exposed to TV ads only, recall amongst those exposed to TV and online ads increased 44%
§ Intent to buy the product or become a client increased by 2% amongst people who saw TV ads only, yet increased a massive 12% amongst those exposed to TV and online ads
The study was commissioned by the EIAA to quantify the dynamics of how online, TV, radio and print advertising interact in order to help marketers plan more effective cross-media campaigns.
Michael Kleindl, EIAA Chairman and CEO of AdLINK Internet Media AG, commented "The data shows that by adding the online medium to their media mix major brands can strongly improve results in terms of reach and effectiveness. We believe that this great step forward in our understanding of the value of online advertising will contribute to an increased share of overall advertising spend."
Jupiter Media Metrix forecasts the European Online Advertising market to be worth €1,186m in 2002 rising to €3,595m in 2007. [2]
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